This morning was spent in what I hoped was residual testing. However, I found out something weird. The scaling of the data affects what data is kept in the peak generation. At low multipliers, this can be based on some numbers being set to zero, so that, the lower the multiplier is, the less data is retained. However, a similar effect, though less dramatic, happens as numbers increase (as in, higher numbers return fewer peaks). The image below shows the same short sound file at multipliers of 1 through 12, counting from left to right, up to down.
As you can see, at the multiplier of 4, the most data is returned. This holds true for most files, regardless of overall loudness. We don't know why this is, but have compensated for it.
The afternoon was spent working on graphing the statistical data. Unfortunately, there are no pretty pictures to show from that, as I've only managed to get the data in and corrected, while the adapted GUI grapher is giving me trouble. It will possibly be replacing Note Finder when it's finished, as it seems a bit more useful.
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