21 July, 2010

Axtell's Notes: July 21

The DFT half of the Transforms class is kind of working. It doesn't return all the samples. It does the a440 file correctly, but the fade file shows only the fade up (not the fade down) even though it has the same number of samples shown as the old DFT. I've kept the old DFT working in a separate folder so I can keep updating rainbows and getting rid of spill.

The new DFT is also slowing than the old one. I haven't figured out why yet, but the dialog box that pops up and quacks on completion of the split now also prints the time it took to split and FFT the file. The new DFT is about twice as slow as the old.

The Constant Q still doesn't work. It will work for about ten minutes, and it does get numbers, but none of them get through PeakData, so after all that work the computer shows a blank spectrograph.

Gregor wasn't in today, but should be back in tomorrow afternoon so we'll look at this together and get that working by Friday hopefully.

That was more or less all I got done today as we were locked out of the lab for a while this morning. Lot's of slow and steady progress as we work towards getting the Constant Q working. We need to start looking at cleaning up, commenting and packaging all our code together this week.

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