Today was statistics, statistics, statistics. I got a decent graph out of the stats data, and printed the average, along with three standard deviations, with no problems on several files. I then did a bit of research on skew, to better understand how to best represent it visually, and added in a writer for that. After an hour, I realized it wasn't the drawer that was making the skew far off from the average, but the original statistics data.
Initially, the average and standard deviation were solely on the heights of the data. While this worked fine, it provided useless when trying to find what the average frequency was. However, when trying to find the centroid (the average frequency based on heights), the resultant number is always the same, regardless of the file (silent files have the same average as noisy ones, which is clearly wrong).
I haven't even begun on kurtosis. However, it is good to know now that the data is wrong, and hopefully I can fix it tomorrow. The grapher is not as important, though may work as a replacement for NoteFinder.
Will definitely look over this with you tomorrow. Let's look over the code as well.