19 July, 2010

7/18/10 Daily Journal of AT

Today was spent re-implimenting Peak Data. I know, I know, from all that I said before about Threshold being so great at cleaning data, this is unexpected. However, with the amount of testing done by myself and Axtell, it was clear that Threshold was cutting out hearable peaks in the upper frequencies, while leaving lower peaks that may or may not have existed. I've had to play with several aspects of the program, including getting rid of the equalizer. Oddly, it was changing the results of Peak Data, even though the function works on a relative scale. Fortunately, I've managed to get fairly consistantly accurate data on most of the windows with the same function (rectangular windowing remains the most messy).

In addition, I re-wrote Statistics so it just creates a file of the statistical data, rather than the FFT as well. The peak data is still being written to file, which is the most important part of the data. Tomorrow, I hope to move on to getting the constant Q to work with the other functions (have to change scaling for a lot of functions). I'm debating on abandoning the BPM finder, as it is not terribly accurate, has taken up a lot of time already, and may not be useful in the long run.

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