That problem from yesterday (only graphing the first section of the spectrogram) is somewhere in the Audio object class and how we split the file into many samples of the given length. I've avoided the problem, and the DFT half of Transforms is working now, but I should try to find out what the problem was.
How we split without the Audio object: Make an AudioInputStream of the audio. Make a for loop that makes a mini AudioInputStream that is a sample size long section of the full stream. (The way AudioInputStream works, each time through it will start reading where it last stopped) Get the data from the mini stream and FFT that.
How we tried to split it with the Audio object: Make an Audio object of the audio. Get all the data from that object (in an array). Make a for loop that makes a mini array that is sample size long starting where the last one stopped.
How we're splitting now: Make and Audio object of the audio. Audio has a split () function that makes mini streams and gets the data from each of those and adds is all to a 2D double array. So it's a combination of the two.
I did some time trials with the old and new DFT classes and found that the new is slower, but it is only noticeable on files of a minute or more. CQT is still not working, but Gregor's working on that. The new DFT is also taking a lot more memory than the old. I had to boost the memory mac to 4096MB for it to run Sweet Caroline. The old DFT can run the same file with a max of 2048MB.
The whole morning and half the afternoon were spent on those two projects.
The rest of the day went to working on some null pointers that come up when running Buffet (formerly BigGUI). They happen because there is a listener in the filename textfield that should only listen when the enter key is pressed, but it isn't very easy to get Java to listen to an enter key. While these null pointer errors don't stop the program from running, they are annoying and distracting, so I'm going to get rid of them. I'm working on that, and it should be working by the end of tomorrow.
Tomorrow is all day pair programming to neaten/speed up/shorten/fix all the code and end up with one set of classes that we are all working with since we are all working with different code.