This morning, I figured out the null pointer error that was causing my try to become a catch and return with an empty array. It was going a bit too far in the file, and couldn't fill the array. Fixed that with a simple -1, then moved on to getting the FFT to play nice. I ended up reinstating the FFT writer, but instead of having it in FFT, it's in WaveSplitter. That way, the data from all the miniwaves can be added.
Getting it back from the file was a lot harder. (It's impossible to just pass it, because there's not enough memory space.) The function ended up to be similar to what's done in NoteFinder, but with lots of extra for loops. (It's not terribly efficient yet.) Basically, the FFT file consists of all the miniwaves samples, and all the hertzs and heights in each. It's similar to what's in the peak data, but containing everything, so it's a much larger file and takes a lot longer to go through. (On the plus side, for anything else we need FFT data for, we have, and PeakFinder/NoteFinder may be re-done to reflect this.)
The function for getting the peaks at all samples (the chunks from yesterday) at a given frequency goes like this: Inside a while loop to check that there's more to be read, it goes past the number equal to the frequency, saves the frequency to a linked list, then goes through the rest until it reaches a double blank line. Then, it does it all again, until the file is empty. The list is made into an array and returned. That data is then used in the beat finder.
Next up is getting multiple frequencies at once, which will be harder, as the options are (A) run the data getter multiple times, which will save space, but take up a lot of processor time, or (B) change the data getter to get more than one frequency, which will be faster, but take up more space and be much more complicated in terms of coding. I'm inclined to go with the first, as I may be able to figure out how to optimize the speed, and it's easier to do that way first.
Also, the Beat Finder will also function as a single note identification program. Basically, right now it can find the peak frequencies of any note and return them. So if, for example, someone wanted to find all instances of E2 in a song...'s hard to imagine circumstances that would require it, but we can do it! (In this case, it corresponds to the back beat of a drum set.)
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