28 June, 2010

6/28/10 Daily Journal of AT

Today was pretty good. I started writing my beat finder function, which took some time. Merely reading the file in was hard enough! Once I got the data, I split it into miniwave-sized chunks, got the data at each point, squared, then totaled them. I then took the average of all the chunks together, and compared each chunk to the overall average. If they were higher, they were beats. That worked okay, so I decided to work on improvements. The first, storing all the data as chunks rather than exact bytes, I had already implemented, so I moved onto getting the variance.

That took a good deal longer. First off, I had to actually understand the math, and write a separate function for it. Then I realized it made a lot more sense within my other function, so moved it, and managed to get it mucked. Basically, it always returned a beat, regardless of height. After about an hour and a half of fixing that (and leaving the program a bit messy) it was working more smoothly. So, I gave it to Axtell to run on a song (because her computer is much faster than mine) and gave it a song.

It ran out of memory.

Fortunately, there's a fix, as the memory-running-out happened when reading the file in, which means that it's too large to create an array (which happened with our FFT in the early days). At first, I thought the trick would be to use the miniwave files, and read them in instead. However, upon closer inspection, the error proved to be in the size of the array holding the data, which would not be reduced by using the miniwaves.

The answer is, rather than reading everything, read the enough data to find a chunk, add the chunk to a list, and make an array out of the list. I've gotten rid of that error, but for some reason, all my data is set to zero. Well, it's something to fix tomorrow, as well as working on adding the FFT data to it. Probably have to write all the data to a file...which we got rid of...oh, the joys of coding.

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