Spent the morning figuring out things going wrong with the FFT version of BeatFinder. I managed to get an analysis working on bands of frequencies, rather than just one, so that it was more accurate. However, re-reading my notes, I realized I forgot something critical: the imaginary aspect. Fairly easy to do, since our FFT discards the data entirely. According to the algorithm, the data should be squared, and in the case of FFT data, the imaginary squared is subtracted from the real squared, leading to a very large difference in data. I'm not 100% sure this is necessary, as we use the real data only in everything else. However, this might cause different errors that we are not aware of .
Moved onto/got distracted by Axtell's work with thresholds of hearing. Basically, depending on frequency, the softest note people can hear changes. There are a few algorithms that approximate this threshold, and we worked with them today to replace PeakFinder, as it did the same thing, only better. (This was the magic threshold I was searching for those two weeks ago!) Between the testing and debugging, that took most of the rest of today.
In the afternoon, I did some research to try and speed up the BeatFinder. I started out looking at ways to optimize the speed of the file reading, as that's where most of the lag comes from. Unfortunately, it seems that what I'm doing now is the fastest that it can get, at least in terms of accessing the file. It recommended using buffers (I am) and only getting necessary data (I do).
Alternatively, I could forgo writing all the FFT data (probably wise, as it's a very large file). The options then are (1) use the peaks instead or (2) get the beats as the FFT runs. The problem with the first is that I'm still not sure if it's returning all hearable notes, and, if it's not, it will throw off all the beats. The problem with the second is mainly one of structuring, as I'm sure it would be much faster then what I currently have (no reading or writing of files necessary!). I'll try implementing the latter tomorrow.
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