09 July, 2010

Axtell's Notes: July 9

I started off with a project that I thought would take all day, but that was done before lunch; I switched everything from a 3D array to a HashTable of 2D arrays so that access would be faster. Most full length songs run in under a minute now. I also cleaned up the code quite a bit to get rid of warnings (mostly redundant casts and unchecked instances).

I then spent all day making a browse option, or trying to. It doesn't work as of yet. The idea is that you should be able to use any sound file from anywhere on the computer, so I'm making a window that is like any Open Document GUI. It shows the directory and you can open or collapse folders and select the desired file and use that one. There are two problems with this. First, it prints the whole pathname of each file or folder which makes it too long to practically read, but JTree names it using File.toString() so I need to find a way print only the end of the pathname. The other problem is that this only works once. If you click browse and chose a filename that works fine, but try to do it again without restarting the program and it gets NullPointerExceptions.

While showing the professor how the GUI works, I found why my code has been printing a lot less than it used to. Where I get the dB of the file, I've been multiplying by 0.775 instead of dividing. This hasn't been not on files such as a440 because 0.775 is close enough to 1 that it didn't make a difference. On full songs though, it was very noticeable.

I have several tasks for next week besides getting the browse feature working. I'm making an "advanced" menu where such variable as buffer size and which weighting equation is used can be changed. I'm updating the readme and help files. I'll be doing a lot of general cleanup to make everything neat.

I'd also like to scale the magnitudes so they are between 0 and 1, but this caused problems when I briefly tried this because too many values were too close to 0 and were discarded.

And, of course, some screenshots:

See you Monday.

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