I finally figured out how to change the heap size! Excellent. When calling the GUI, instead of calling "java BigGUI" I now call "java -Xmx(heapsize)m BigGUI" I've been using 512 megabytes and haven't had an OutOfMemoryError all day.
Everything can now work with an .au, .aif, or .wav file now. I'm looking into getting it to work with .mp3's too, but I'm not sure how possible that is.
I reactivated NoteFinder. It had been commented out about a week ago to try and avoid the memory problems, and I then forgot where it had been commented out.
All the windows are scaled to the same range of points (magnitudes = 0-3.5).
Oh man, It's been a while since I've posted some screenshots. Here's Maple Leaf Rag with several different windows:

I seem to be missing a lot of bass notes from this. I'm going to look at a bunch of full-length songs tomorrow to find out what needs to be fixed. Also, ThunderIntro is still missing the claps, and ShaveAndAHaircut is missing the cymbal crash. I'm going to look into finding those tomorrow too.
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