First, when graphing the data generated by the FFT, lately the higher peaks have been lost (namely cymbal hits). This is more than an asthetic concern, as if those notes aren't graphed, it means they aren't being returned by the threshold cleaning function. I experimented with a few of the variables in there, and managed (in the Hamming window, at least) to get the cymbal hits in a few test files to show up. Amusingly, since the beat finder function gets the data before it's cleaned, it has no problem finding cymbal hits, so there were cases where there was a beat for no notes shown.
I didn't actually solve that problem, but with Axtell's new windows, I'm confident that they will take care of the problem. I also improved the beat finder so that it returns more accurate beats. Before, all beats were returned, and I was playing with returning no beats if one was found within a partial second of it (because it wasn't a new beat, mearly the old one continuing). Now, I've added a portion to the cleaner that checks to see if the previous bit was a beat or not. If it is, it is assumed that the beat is not a new one, and sets it to false. To see how this affects the two strong-beat songs:
Sweet Caroline (techno remix)

My Sharona (rock remix)

At top is the song, then the uncleaned beats. After that is beats cleaned by closeness (i.e. if they have a previous true, they're not a beat), beats cleaned by the .1 sec rule from yesterday, and then both cleanings together. They tend to compensate for each other's failings, so it will be kept as is.
With that, I can say that the Beat Finder is done. There is the option to add in cymbal finders, but all that takes is testing to find the correct band. I won't be in tomorrow or Friday, unfortunately, but when I get back, I plan on working on improving the threshold cleaner for the data.
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