As you can see in the picture, FFTGUI can now be called from BigGUI. It uses whatever filename was typed in last in BigGUI. It does not yet get the current buffer size or window. It also still runs the FFT on the entire file, not the mini file at the specified second. That was today's big break-through.
Something I'm working on which is half-way done now, is the dialog box labeled "Split" (In between the BigGUI and FFTGUI controls.) What's supposed to happen is: SPLIT is clicked, the dialog box pops up while SPLIT is splitting the file, getting the data, etc., if the user wants to stop the split while it's going (because it is taking to long, for example) pressing the Stop button will do that. What happens now: SPLIT is clicked, the dialog box pops up while SPLIT is splitting the file, but the Stop button doesn't appear until it is done splitting, so there is no change to stop it.
Now that I know how dialog boxes work, I plan to add them in when there are errors so the user can see what went wrong without going to look at the terminal for a printed error.
Windows are still not working in BigGUI. The Bartlett window works. The Hamming and Hanning windows do not. They return almost every frequency in the sound file so the graph is covered in red dots. No idea how/why this is happening. I shall look into on Monday.
A feature to add to the BigGUI: If the text file in the text file field already exists, use it for the Show peaks, Show notes without having to call SPLIT again. If SPLIT is pressed with an existing text file in the text file field, it will overwrite with current sound file data.
Tune in next week for: Fixing/finishing BigGUI, constant Q transformation research and implementation into current code, actually figuring out how to get the raw data into decibels.
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