16 June, 2010

6/16/10 Daily Journal of AT

Two good days in a row! Something must be going wrong, but stuff works!

This morning, I was inspired. I finally figured out what sort of PeakFinder to use! The secret? More rigorous peak identification and standard deviations. To elaborate, the function, as it is now, first finds the peaks based on the surrounding points, fifteen to the left and right, and only saves them if the data is larger than all the surrounding points. (This may be changed to a smaller number when windowing is used, in order to save smaller peaks and peaks close to each other.) Then, of the remaining peaks, a standard deviation is taken, and all below the 64th percentile are discarded (the noisy peaks). It works super well!

I had to readjust the note finder, as the C notes generated were a step lower than they should have been. I also wrote in a bit that tells when a peak is inaudible (as in, lower than the 0th octave or higher than the 9th octave).

This afternoon, I worked on cleaning and commenting my code, and looked at Axtell's shiny new GUI. We discussed how we would implement our two programs, and figured out a new GUI that would take a file, split it, and display either hertz peaks over time or a list of the notes present in the piece. I've managed to re-do Wave Splitter and Peak Finder to work with it, although I may have to overhaul Note Finder more tomorrow. Anyway, it was a surprisingly productive day, and we should hopefully have a working GUI by Friday morning.

Also: Everything's better nested, like grids, loops, and baby birds.

To Do: Comment, clean, and get everyone to play nice with each other

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