22 June, 2010

6/22/10 Daily Journal of AT

Ha-haa! I finally fixed NoteFinder! It took all day, but I managed it!

Basically, as I had it, it was finding the notes relatively well, but it kept going sharp. I played with a few methods of getting the notes, and went back to my original method, taking a range between two adjacent notes. I also thought to print out what hertz my program had for each note. I found that, since the base notes were only accurate for two decimal points, the higher notes were getting further and further away from what they should be. (Only the A notes were accurate, due to their strange even nature.) So, I went in and put the actual function for finding the hertz for the notes, so that they were accurate to more places initially, and kept accuracy over numerous multiplications. For information, the function is
6.875 x 2 ^ ( ( 3 + midi-pitch-of-the-note ) / 12 ).

That was fine, but when I checked the ranges, they were now overlapping! I had to go in and find the correct fraction to subtract from each range, which was rather difficult, as it had to be accurate to at least ten places, and I couldn't figure out a formula that would work for generating most from some! It looked linear, but not quite. Same with quadratic, squared, cubed, square root, all of them slightly off. Maybe there's a logarithmic function (knowing this program, there would be) but in the end I did it manually, which took a while, but increased accuracy immensely. Any spill now is from actual FFT noise, and nothing to do with NoteFinder!

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