Today I finally got to all those things I'd said I'd fix about two weeks ago. When somethings scrolls, the units scroll too. When something zooms in, it no longer prints data points in the border. FFTGUI once again has a compare function, and now it can compare any number of windows. I updated the Readme and Help files and continued general cleanup of all files.
I also played with weightings. The advanced menu now has 4 options (A,B,C and C modified.) C modified should only be used when trying to get something like a cymbal crash or hand clap. Those sounds tend to not get found by FFTs because they have strange waves. The modification is simply lets quieter peaks be graphed. So in Shave and a Haircut the last note (a cymbal crash) is visible, but in Maple Leaf Rag almost all the inaudible spill is visible.
C-Weighting, in general, seems to be the best. A-Weighting seems to miss a lot of data. As an example, here's a file made by Tayloe. It's two tones fading in and out. It was made to test the color spectrum.
Rainbows are still being tweaked. I discovered that they weren't properly fading because when I had adjusted the scaling, I hadn't adjusted the colors. Oops. Also, as can be seen in the screen shots, instead of all peaks past a certain point being red, the highest peaks now go from red to magenta.
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