10 June, 2010

6/10/10 Daily Journal of AT

I really hope the professor comes in tomorrow, because I feel like I'm stuck. Most of the morning was debugging and discovery of problems. The afternoon was more testing, comparing graphs and functions, and discovery of more problems. To name a few that I found/helped with (and the solutions we tried/implemented/can't figure out):

  • Data files add information, making graphs longer and longer without adding information. (Solution: Clear the data files.)
  • Data files are cleared at the end of each program, making it impossible to tell where errors occur. (Solution: Clear data files at the beginning of program.)
  • Data files are not passed any zeroes. (Solution: Let them pass zeroes.)
  • Data files have a lot of zeroes at the end that mean nothing. (Solution: Reduce size of array.)
  • Data is mirrored. (Solution: Reduce size of the array still more.)
  • Data is overwritten each time FFT is run, making it impossible to do peak comparison on graphs. (Solution: Manually rename the files so they are not over written. Temporary solution.)
  • Windowing doesn't work. (Solution: Run windowing algorithms on wave data, not on FFT data.)
  • FFT data is wrong when multiple windows are used. (Solution: Re-write imaginary array of zeroes at the begining of FFT call, rather then at creation.)
  • FFT data of rectangular, Bartlett, and Hamming functions is the same. (Solution: ???)
  • Peak generator only gets highest points, regardless of their peak-quality. (Solution: Find the peaks, then clean the data, rather than the other way around. To go into more detail, the clean function gets the average of all the data, disregarding any zeroes or negatives, then sets any number below the average to zero. Run multiple times, it reduces the size of the data severalfold. The getPeaks function got the peaks by checking a given piece of data against its immediate neighbors. If it was greater than both, it was considered a peak. However, running clean, then getPeaks, resulted in the same data as only running clean. The reason for this was that, if its neighbors were set to zero, a given large number would always be considered a peak, regardless of if it actually was or not. Run the other way around, so that the peaks were generated first, then cleaned, led to a more accurate analysis.)
  • When FFT is run on a single 440 wave, with the only difference being in how long the file is (1 sec, 3 sec, and 12 sec), different data is generated. (Solution: ??? I really don't know why this is happening, or even if it's a problem. The FFT data generated is put into an array, then printed from their. The size of the array holding the bytes does not change based on the length of the sample, but is set to the buffer limit. This could be limiting the data given to the FFT; however, even if this were the case, the data generated should still be identical, because it is exactly the same wave. If it were to vary based on the length of the file, it should only do so in terms of height of the peaks, not their placement. The only option I can think of is to scrap our FFT and start again, but we thought it was working! Also, it's what we've been doing all week, and I really hope we haven't wasted all that time.)
  • FFT data is in an array, and graphs have no way of telling what peaks correspond to what frequencies. (Solution: Test single frequencies in the peak finder, find what array values corespond to what frequencies, find a function, and translate songs based on that. However, with the FFT on the fritz, any data generated by it cannot be trusted. In addition, when I tried this with single frequencies, it gave multiple peaks of similar heights. In fact, the file with a single base note (with more actual noise) generated less noise in the FFT! This is frustrating, especially as I did not write the code that does the FFT, and thus have trouble tweaking it to make it work. When zoomed in upon, the graphs the FFT generates are similar to graphs created by Audacity analyzing the same files, or at least, they were yesterday. Today, they show a lot of discrepancy between the pure frequencies.)
The only thing that seems to be working consistently is the WaveSplitter, probably because it's too simple to mess up much. I'm pretty sure getPeaks is working; however, until the FFT is fixed, it will be impossible to say for sure.

1 comment:

  1. The professor will be in tomorrow - definitely by 9a.m. Must leave at 11, but can come back in the afternoon if we need more time. Then, all day Monday. Note: The single bass note is just one note, but the bass itself has a timbre, and will produce harmonic frequencies. So the fft will show several bars.
